Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pay it Forward

Pay it Forward
I was just thinking about something that happened at work the other day. They tipped me $10 for a $13 bill and told me to pay it forward. They were very kind. I think this is such a sweet philosophy. I wonder if we all did this if the world would be a much better place. Even something little like a bigger tip to a waitress/waiter who is probably in need of it. If you've never seen the film, Pay it Forward I strongly suggest it. It is about a young boy (Haley Joel Osmet) who comes up with a plan for a school project to make the world a better place. His plan is that if everyone chooses to do something big for three people and those three people pass on the generosity to three more people each (and so on and so on) that the world would indeed become a much better place. I agree with this fictional little boy. If we open up our hearts and help those in need, we could inspire some pretty big changes here on earth. Generosity and compassion are not only prevalent in Buddhism, but Christianity and all other major religions. Even if you do not have faith in anything, think about how good you feel when you do help someone. Do something kind today. Do something kind tomorrow. Pass it on. Pay it forward!

Final Thought
"Holding a hug for an extended time lifts one's serotonin levels, elevating mood and creating happiness." 

As always
Much love and peace,

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My Steps to Health and Happiness

I've been so busy with school work and work work so I apologize for my absence. I have been working so hard on my education and on my own well-being! I will be excited to have some time to fill you in on my life, adventures, and discoveries.

But for now, I will just have enough time to share with you my five daily tips for health and happiness. Again, feel free to check me out on twitter @CharlieKehl !

As always
Much love and peace,