Friday, December 20, 2013

A brief holiday message.

 Tolerance and Respect is the American Way
What happened to good will to men and peace on earth? There is nothing wrong with saying "Happy Holidays." Why condemn those with different religious views? This latent disrespect is un-American. America has failed with the whole freedom of religion thing. So here's to those who have different views. Yours are not any less important or valuable than my own. So happy Diwali! Have a great Winter Solstice to my Wiccan friends! Happy Hanukkah! And Ramadan! Happy Kwanzaa! Yes, Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays to all!

Final Thought


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I am feeling feisty!

I have a friend whom I love very dearly, but she falls into the trap of believing everything she sees online. (No offense, hun!) This is for everyone: most of what you read online is incredibly biased or inaccurate. Look for sources and check them. The most brilliant minds are those who question. Question everything. Don’t make judgments or statements until you have ALL the information.

Wind Energy: A Bad Article
My friend linked the following article on a social media site:

We are graced with a shocking, graphic image of a bloody bald eagle, which is supposed to draw out aggression in the reader. The article is crass, unprofessional and biased and is part of a site that is possibly even crasser with an apparent goal of being as offensive as possible. At first, I thought this was a joke news site.

The short article gives two links to resources in order to support the article. The first source is a somewhat reasonable article based on a University of Colorado Denver study on wind turbines killing bats. The article provides excellent details based on the study, including sats. The article, however, leaves out a very important part: what is the alternative? How many bats are killed by nuclear and fossil fuel energies? The article poses this question, but does not answer it. The article is current and I do give it kudos in factoring in some possible errors in the study. The article gives insight on one small fraction of a much bigger issue.

The second source is also a mixed article, giving some good information backed up by research to answer the negatives with wind power but it only gives trivial, secluded accounts related to its fossil fuel counterparts. They again neglect the big picture and the comparison.

Wind Energy: A Good Article
It took me a while to find an article that was professional and non-biased related to the subject of wind energy and bird deaths, but I did find one alas. Finding quality information takes a while when searching online due to the fact that anyone can post anything they want online!

This article presents research based on a number of credible sources as well as looking at the big picture. The article looks at studies of all types of energy and gives the facts straight up, without any smart aleck or biased comments. The article is professional and has substance.

My Conclusion
From reading the two articles aforementioned, I will make my own judgment based on the information in the second article because it is non-biased and is written by a grown up. I’ll admit that I am a very liberal individual and am very opinionated but I question everything. I believe that we have to question our faith and our knowledge in order to grow as beings. Otherwise we fall into ignorance and we fall backwards into humanity.

The following statement is what helped me find my answer to the question of which is worst for the various bird species that roam beautifully through our skies?

“In absolute terms, since wind turbines produced a relatively small amount of national electricity in the United States in 2006, they may have killed about 7,000 but fossil fueled stations killed 14.5 million and nuclear power plants 327,000.

The research based numbers paint the picture clear as day to me. It is sad to see any birds dying for any reason in large numbers, but that is just the nature of our current state of humanity and that is not going to change too quickly or too easily, if it ever will. While researching for this article I found out that more birds are killed by flying into buildings per year than any of these energy sources. I believe that we should minimize our impact on hurting the environment. Wind energy is not perfect but it is an improvement! And not just in the number of species it affects. Take the time and research. Dig deep and question and maybe you’ll find out some interesting things when you find trustworthy resources!

Final Thought
Blind faith is the same as having no faith at all.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Journey to Purity of the Body, Mind, Soul, & Planet

Make Time
Though I may not make the time to write on here as often as I should, I do make the time in my busy schedule to make smart, healthy choices. First and foremost should always be yourself. You must take care of yourself inside and out. Only then can you truly help others full-heartedly. I am taking on more than I have ever done before in my life. I am working two jobs and going to school full time, plus trying to put an effort into my marriage and taking care of myself. So how do I do it?

The Body
 As I mentioned before, I am overweight, which is something I have struggled with for years. I am loosing weight pretty steadily and have been for almost a year probably due to my health choices. I do not consume meat, which is highly fattening and usually laced with harmful substances (please eat organic flesh). I have been a vegetarian for many years and my energy level is much higher than when I ate meat. For the passed six months, I have been working on education myself as to what is on the labels. Sure, sometimes I mess up but 92% of the time, if I don't know what it is, I won't eat it. You'd be surprised what is really in food under the strangest names. Anal secretions from beavers and duck feathers to name a couple. (GROSS!) I have been trying to switch to whole foods as much as possible, avoiding processed foods as well as dairy. I feel amazing when I have a day of just fruits, veggies, and nuts! Lately I have got my spouse into working with eating healthy, which makes it more fun! Get a buddy to change up your diet!

Diet is only half the battle to getting (or maintaining) a healthy body. Then there is exercise. I do enjoy walks quite frequently and have been throwing in yoga a couple times a week as well. I do struggle in the exercise department, but I am getting better! Baby steps are still steps in the right direction!

The  Mind
I use meditation and yoga help me de-stress and clear my mind. To work out my mind I do the mind games at and often play critical thinking and number games with my spouse and/or friends. Then there is my homework of course...But back to Lumosity. Look it up! It is amazing. I just do the free trial and it's customized to my own needs, which is awesome. It has really helped me build up better memory and concentration skills.

The Soul
Everyday, I look at myself and make sure that I am doing the best that I can with what I have right now in this moment.

The World
We only have one planet Earth and it's going all to hell as most of you know. Over the past year, I have made steps to cut down my footprint on this planet. I hope you will choose to do the same. Start with something small. Then add another small step. Then another. Then another. Here's a list of the things that I do to help mother nature:

- Don't consume meat
- Use reusable bags at the grocery store
- Keep the thermostat at 68 in the winter and 72 in the summer
- Drink tap water (with a filter) instead of buying bottles - I also use a reusable aluminum bottle instead of plastic

Borrow some of my ideas, come up with your own, research! Do what you can right now and add on later. Every little bit helps!

And most important...
I am patient with myself. You must be too. You are not perfect. You never will be. All you can do is your best at any given moment in time. Don't beat yourself up! Namaste!

Much love and peace,

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Adding on to "Happy Cells"
This is just a little thought that adds to my post from back in June. Have a fantastic Thursday everyone!

Much love and peace,

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pay it Forward

Pay it Forward
I was just thinking about something that happened at work the other day. They tipped me $10 for a $13 bill and told me to pay it forward. They were very kind. I think this is such a sweet philosophy. I wonder if we all did this if the world would be a much better place. Even something little like a bigger tip to a waitress/waiter who is probably in need of it. If you've never seen the film, Pay it Forward I strongly suggest it. It is about a young boy (Haley Joel Osmet) who comes up with a plan for a school project to make the world a better place. His plan is that if everyone chooses to do something big for three people and those three people pass on the generosity to three more people each (and so on and so on) that the world would indeed become a much better place. I agree with this fictional little boy. If we open up our hearts and help those in need, we could inspire some pretty big changes here on earth. Generosity and compassion are not only prevalent in Buddhism, but Christianity and all other major religions. Even if you do not have faith in anything, think about how good you feel when you do help someone. Do something kind today. Do something kind tomorrow. Pass it on. Pay it forward!

Final Thought
"Holding a hug for an extended time lifts one's serotonin levels, elevating mood and creating happiness." 

As always
Much love and peace,

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My Steps to Health and Happiness

I've been so busy with school work and work work so I apologize for my absence. I have been working so hard on my education and on my own well-being! I will be excited to have some time to fill you in on my life, adventures, and discoveries.

But for now, I will just have enough time to share with you my five daily tips for health and happiness. Again, feel free to check me out on twitter @CharlieKehl !

As always
Much love and peace,

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Just a little thought...

I have been so busy with my current class and jobs that I have not found the time to write, though I wish to so very much. Oh, well. I will make the best out of the time I have. Here's a little something to get you thinking.

"If you want to know something, go elsewhere.
If you want to un-know everything, then sit and listen."


 Sometimes we need to step back and understand that some things that we know or have been taught are simply moronic social norms or unhealthy to our minds. Can we listen to our mind and un-learn the bad habits and thought processes in which we have had since our youth? Can we start again within our mind?

 Final Thought

Much love and peace,

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Checking in!

Hello, Goodbye
Just checking in. It has been a while. I have been so busy with school lately. I am doing a fast track class this week. (I'm actually being naughty and writing this during class.) I can't wait to have the time to share some motivational thoughts and ideas with you. If you want feel free to follow me on Twitter: @CharlieKehl for brief inspirational quotes and ideas! Have a good day, all!

Final Thought
"Peace does not mean an absence of conflicts; differences will always be there. Peace means solving these differences through peaceful means' through dialogue, education, knowledge; and  through humane ways."

Much love and peace,

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Indulging in the Middle Way

The Middle Way
In Buddhism, it is important to not overindulge in anything, whether it be entertainment, money, sex, or even food. It is important to find a balance of things, a middle ground. For if you under-indulge, you may be unhappy or even unhealthy. But to overindulge, sets you up for big issues as well. This may lead to addiction or negative emotions - and as we know negative emotions not only affect the mind, but the body as well.

Buddhist tradition teaches that food should be thought of only as something to nourish the body. And with how food is produced nowadays, it may lead to worse problems by overindulging, including detrimental effects on the environment. We must preserve the earth, not only for ourselves, but for the future generations. Life is an important thing. The biggest mantra of Buddhism is: "Do no harm." This is why many Buddhists do not eat meat. Others go as far to not eat vegetables such as garlic and onion because to consume the plant, the whole living plant must be destroyed.

As I have discussed before, there is no mortal sin in the path of the Buddha. We do the best we can in any given circumstances not to harm another living being. Some people must eat meat for health reasons. Some must consume garlic for its optimal health advantages. The important thing is the balance of karma. Eating the flesh of a cow may be bad karma, but maybe you can do something of good karma to balance it out.

I have mentioned a couple weeks ago that I have an issue with not only my body image because I am overweight, but also I am consumed with the problem of overindulging, overeating. I have been focusing on this issue for the past few weeks, concentrating hard on how to straighten out this weakness. I have been cautious on what I put into my body, as not to harm it. I have stuck mainly to fresh fruits and vegetables, fruit juices, and nuts. I have been moderately successful at limiting my overindulging as well. I have screwed up a few times, however. I will admit.

But I do not let myself fall off the bandwagon, just because I have had a bad meal or a bad day! I encourage myself. I tell myself that I did good for breakfast and I can pick up with healthy choices for my evening meal. Or I tell myself that we all do have bad days, but it is not worth tearing myself down. I just need to bring my focus back to the big picture, the overall goal: a healthier, happier me who is a productive member of the global community.

Do not be hard on yourself, in whatever addictions or problems that you may have. Go easy on yourself, otherwise who else will? Be stern, but gentle. You will find your way.

On a usual day, I begin with a cup of hot lemon water or green tea, sometimes both. For breakfast, I usually have a banana and a glass of orange juice. In between meals, I may enjoy a handful of almonds to hold me over. Lunch usually consists of a big salad(spinach or lettuce with carrots, celery, almonds or sunflower seeds, and a balsamic vinaigrette dressing) and fruit juice. Supper is when I am usually not quite as busy, so I have the time to prepare a nicer, slightly larger meal. That is where I can get creative. I really do enjoy cooking. Here are a few recipes for some vegan, or almost vegan, meals that I have enjoyed to prepare in the recent weeks. My time is still limited, so these recipes are extremely simple and quick! Enjoy and modify in any which way suits you!

Garden Burgers

This recipe is so simple. You take 6 oz tofu, drain it, and mash it up in a bowl. Mince whatever veggies you may want inside of your burger. I use mushrooms, celery, and carrot. Add the veggies and whatever spices you want to the tofu and mix it up well. (If you're not sure what to add for spices try just a pinch of salt, a couple dashes of black pepper, and a bit of garlic powder.) Once you've got everything mixed and mashed together, grab a handful, form a patty, and roll it in flour. (They will be a little crumbly.) This recipe should make two decent sized patties. Fry in vegetable oil for about 3-5 minutes each side and voila! You have a yummy vegan burger! Top however you want! I enjoy lettuce, tomato, ketchup and mayonnaise/Vegenaise on mine!

                                                                                                 "Chicken" Salad

My recipes are quick and easy, because I have a very busy schedule. I work two jobs and go to school. This next one is super quick. It actually took me the near six and half years that I've been a vegetarian to think of this quick modified meat recipe. Very simple. I nuke a Morningstar Farms Chick Patty in the microwave (about 45 seconds each side). While my "chicken" is heating up, I dice a stock of celery and mix it in with about 1 1/2 tablespoon of Vegenaise. When the chicken is ready, chop it up, and add it to the mix! I top my vegetarian chicken salad on a toasted piece of Ezekiel bread.

* NOTE: Morningstar Farms Chick Patties and Ezekiel breads are not VEGAN, but you may substitute with a vegan-friendly chicken substitute and grain, if you wish.

Vegan Pasta w/ White Sauce
While boiling a serving of rice or vegetable noodles, shred a carrot stick and dice up some spinach and mushrooms. When pasta is done boiling, drain and mix with vegetables, sunflower seeds, pepper, and crushed basil. Put in a single serving casserole dish. Take 1/4 cup of heated almond milk and whisk in 1 tsp. flour. Pour this mixture over pasta. Bake in oven at 450 degrees for approximately 10 minutes. Top with fresh parsley for garnish!

 Final Thought
 Allow yourself to have fun in kicking bad habits. You don't have to be so serious all the time. Also, when it comes to food: stay in the moment, enjoy each bite, savor the flavors. Always remember where your food comes from, the journey it has taken, and the lives it has encountered.

"When we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."
Victor Frankl

Much love and peace,

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It's Picture/Video Day: Happy Cells & Understanding


We see bumper stickers, t-shirts, and posters everywhere that say "Coexist" with symbols of all the major world religions. I wonder if we can do this. Coexist that is. I see so much negativity towards anyone who doesn't share the same beliefs as whatever the "norm" is.  In the area I live in, the norm is Christianity. When I lived in Southern Illinois, the norm was EXTREME conservative Christianity. There is a lot of guff towards anyone that doesn't fit into the cookie cutter version of everyone else in the area. Do you see this in wherever you live? I believe that people are changing, though. Or maybe it is just me being naive. Since coming out Buddhist, I have not received any negative feedback. I wonder if it is because people are accepting, if they are afraid of this unknown religion, or if everyone I know realizes how strong I am in whatever it is that I believe. It is a beautiful thing, surrounding yourself by people of diversity. It challenges you to be stronger in your beliefs. My family is Christian, my spouse is Wicca, I follow the ideas of Buddhism. It is wonderful to just talk and see where everyone comes from. It is beautiful to see the warmth and love that religion can bring to each individual. We all have our own path. No one has the exact same one. There is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with anything that brings another person enlightenment and happiness.

Happy Cells
Many researches, in quantum physics as well as other fields are discovering just how powerful emotions can be. Check out this clip from the documentary, What the Bleep Do We Know? (2004), that very briefly (through a fictional character) touches on the real life work of Masaru Emoto.

What do you think of that? Isn't that fascinating? It is so amazing to think that emotions and words effect a simple cell or two of water. Think of what the man says in the video, about how the human body is composed of so much water. Think of how our body must react to emotions. More science is becoming available that does suggest the effects of our feelings on our body. When we are depressed: we may not sleep well, we may not eat well, we may feel sluggish. When we are happy: we may feel full of energy, we may sleep sound, and eat well and not gain a pound! Pay attention to what your body has to say. Observe how your body reacts to your anger, your joy, your sorrow. Our bodies, our energies are so complex and so beautiful. It is so hard to grasp just how amazing we all are, each and every one of us. We are so full of wonderment.

Final thought
Staying in the present moments may keep you in a healthier and happier lifestyle!

Much love and peace,

Friday, June 14, 2013


Respect is a choice to accept the character of and the choices that people make. Respect is a form of understanding. Respect is understanding that people are doing the best that they can with what they have at a given time. Respect is not judgement. Respect is not trapping people. Respect is setting people free. Respect is trust. Respect is letting go of your own selfishness and truly attempting to understand another human being without negativity. Respect is not always agreeing, but always trying to.

Lack of respect.
I see so much lack of respect for humanity in this world. We disrespect each other out of jealousy, misunderstanding, hate, and bigotry.

We disrespect someone who chooses to have an abortion. Though in our little head, it is wrong, but we do not understand the whole picture. We should not disrespect this person. We should respect her choice. We should show compassion and try to understand.

We disrespect people who have too many piercings, without understanding the cultural or religious background of their jewelry.

We disrespect people who choose to live openly gay. We tell him that he should repress his feelings because that is wrong. That is un"god"ly. But we don't know what it's like to live a lie?...

...Or do we?

That is a basis of understanding. That may form a respectful relationship.

What would the world be like if we took the time to talk to people and learn their story?

Final thought
“The whole purpose of religion is to facilitate love and compassion, patience, tolerance, humility, and forgiveness.”   -Dalai Lama XIV

Much love and peace,