Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Journey to Purity of the Body, Mind, Soul, & Planet

Make Time
Though I may not make the time to write on here as often as I should, I do make the time in my busy schedule to make smart, healthy choices. First and foremost should always be yourself. You must take care of yourself inside and out. Only then can you truly help others full-heartedly. I am taking on more than I have ever done before in my life. I am working two jobs and going to school full time, plus trying to put an effort into my marriage and taking care of myself. So how do I do it?

The Body
 As I mentioned before, I am overweight, which is something I have struggled with for years. I am loosing weight pretty steadily and have been for almost a year probably due to my health choices. I do not consume meat, which is highly fattening and usually laced with harmful substances (please eat organic flesh). I have been a vegetarian for many years and my energy level is much higher than when I ate meat. For the passed six months, I have been working on education myself as to what is on the labels. Sure, sometimes I mess up but 92% of the time, if I don't know what it is, I won't eat it. You'd be surprised what is really in food under the strangest names. Anal secretions from beavers and duck feathers to name a couple. (GROSS!) I have been trying to switch to whole foods as much as possible, avoiding processed foods as well as dairy. I feel amazing when I have a day of just fruits, veggies, and nuts! Lately I have got my spouse into working with eating healthy, which makes it more fun! Get a buddy to change up your diet!

Diet is only half the battle to getting (or maintaining) a healthy body. Then there is exercise. I do enjoy walks quite frequently and have been throwing in yoga a couple times a week as well. I do struggle in the exercise department, but I am getting better! Baby steps are still steps in the right direction!

The  Mind
I use meditation and yoga help me de-stress and clear my mind. To work out my mind I do the mind games at and often play critical thinking and number games with my spouse and/or friends. Then there is my homework of course...But back to Lumosity. Look it up! It is amazing. I just do the free trial and it's customized to my own needs, which is awesome. It has really helped me build up better memory and concentration skills.

The Soul
Everyday, I look at myself and make sure that I am doing the best that I can with what I have right now in this moment.

The World
We only have one planet Earth and it's going all to hell as most of you know. Over the past year, I have made steps to cut down my footprint on this planet. I hope you will choose to do the same. Start with something small. Then add another small step. Then another. Then another. Here's a list of the things that I do to help mother nature:

- Don't consume meat
- Use reusable bags at the grocery store
- Keep the thermostat at 68 in the winter and 72 in the summer
- Drink tap water (with a filter) instead of buying bottles - I also use a reusable aluminum bottle instead of plastic

Borrow some of my ideas, come up with your own, research! Do what you can right now and add on later. Every little bit helps!

And most important...
I am patient with myself. You must be too. You are not perfect. You never will be. All you can do is your best at any given moment in time. Don't beat yourself up! Namaste!

Much love and peace,

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