Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It's Picture/Video Day: Happy Cells & Understanding


We see bumper stickers, t-shirts, and posters everywhere that say "Coexist" with symbols of all the major world religions. I wonder if we can do this. Coexist that is. I see so much negativity towards anyone who doesn't share the same beliefs as whatever the "norm" is.  In the area I live in, the norm is Christianity. When I lived in Southern Illinois, the norm was EXTREME conservative Christianity. There is a lot of guff towards anyone that doesn't fit into the cookie cutter version of everyone else in the area. Do you see this in wherever you live? I believe that people are changing, though. Or maybe it is just me being naive. Since coming out Buddhist, I have not received any negative feedback. I wonder if it is because people are accepting, if they are afraid of this unknown religion, or if everyone I know realizes how strong I am in whatever it is that I believe. It is a beautiful thing, surrounding yourself by people of diversity. It challenges you to be stronger in your beliefs. My family is Christian, my spouse is Wicca, I follow the ideas of Buddhism. It is wonderful to just talk and see where everyone comes from. It is beautiful to see the warmth and love that religion can bring to each individual. We all have our own path. No one has the exact same one. There is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with anything that brings another person enlightenment and happiness.

Happy Cells
Many researches, in quantum physics as well as other fields are discovering just how powerful emotions can be. Check out this clip from the documentary, What the Bleep Do We Know? (2004), that very briefly (through a fictional character) touches on the real life work of Masaru Emoto.

What do you think of that? Isn't that fascinating? It is so amazing to think that emotions and words effect a simple cell or two of water. Think of what the man says in the video, about how the human body is composed of so much water. Think of how our body must react to emotions. More science is becoming available that does suggest the effects of our feelings on our body. When we are depressed: we may not sleep well, we may not eat well, we may feel sluggish. When we are happy: we may feel full of energy, we may sleep sound, and eat well and not gain a pound! Pay attention to what your body has to say. Observe how your body reacts to your anger, your joy, your sorrow. Our bodies, our energies are so complex and so beautiful. It is so hard to grasp just how amazing we all are, each and every one of us. We are so full of wonderment.

Final thought
Staying in the present moments may keep you in a healthier and happier lifestyle!

Much love and peace,

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