Friday, June 14, 2013


Respect is a choice to accept the character of and the choices that people make. Respect is a form of understanding. Respect is understanding that people are doing the best that they can with what they have at a given time. Respect is not judgement. Respect is not trapping people. Respect is setting people free. Respect is trust. Respect is letting go of your own selfishness and truly attempting to understand another human being without negativity. Respect is not always agreeing, but always trying to.

Lack of respect.
I see so much lack of respect for humanity in this world. We disrespect each other out of jealousy, misunderstanding, hate, and bigotry.

We disrespect someone who chooses to have an abortion. Though in our little head, it is wrong, but we do not understand the whole picture. We should not disrespect this person. We should respect her choice. We should show compassion and try to understand.

We disrespect people who have too many piercings, without understanding the cultural or religious background of their jewelry.

We disrespect people who choose to live openly gay. We tell him that he should repress his feelings because that is wrong. That is un"god"ly. But we don't know what it's like to live a lie?...

...Or do we?

That is a basis of understanding. That may form a respectful relationship.

What would the world be like if we took the time to talk to people and learn their story?

Final thought
“The whole purpose of religion is to facilitate love and compassion, patience, tolerance, humility, and forgiveness.”   -Dalai Lama XIV

Much love and peace,

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